Covid-19 Update: Liddle and Anderson Office Opening Hours and Client Arrangements
Liddle & Anderson are following Government guidelines during this current epidemic of COVID-19 and monitoring developments closely. The health and wellbeing of our staff and clients is of the utmost importance to us.
Our office remains open for business until further notice.
We expect to experience some disruption but have measures in place to minimise this as much as possible to ensure we maintain the high standard of service expected by our clients.
There may come a time when we will need to close the office and we have measures in place to allow us to work remotely so we can provide continuity of business and maintain direct client contact.
We have enhanced policies and procedures in place within our office at present. Please help us to implement these simple precautionary measures during this time:
- Please call us by phone or email to make an appointment
We will try where possible to undertake all appointments by telephone unless it is essential for a one-to-one meeting; - Visitors are welcome but numbers will be limited
If it is necessary for you to come to our office in person please do not bring more than one person with you. Please wash your hands or use sanitiser prior to entering our office and wash your hands regularly in line with government advice; - If you have a cold or flu symptoms or a fever please do not enter our office.
Please follow the published governmental advice on how to stay safe and look after the people close to you.
If you have any concerns regarding how these measures may affect any legal work we are currently undertaking for you or any new work you wish to instruct us on, please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 01506 822 727